Aviary No. 3
The Sunsphere is a landmark in the World’s Fair Park in Knoxville, TN. This project aimed at redesigning the Sunsphere to create a research aviary focusing on Pigeons, that had research labs, offices, aviaries, and an educational gallery for the public. In large cities Pigeons are the most common bird species and many buildings aim at keeping them away, but in a concrete jungle they need a space to land and nest.
Studying how natural formations can create spaces I looked at tree roots and the structure and form they create. The intricate interweaving of tree roots and the ground plane led me to implement a similar structure in my project. Weaving throughout the structure is made of steel and cork that would allow for the creation of spaces, provide nesting material for the birds, and inside provided an acoustical barrier. There are spaces where the public can view into the nesting structure that is open to the sky, allowing the birds to go in and out.